Bumping an old thread because I stumbled upon some of these 3-channel 27MHz FM walkie talkies.
Midland model 75-160
FCC Rules Part 15C
Approved on 13 June 1991
Operating frequencies 26.960 MHz - 27.270 MHz
https://fccid.io/F9GRC-3000/ampAnd Google Translation of a post from an Italian forum thread about them:
They low-power citizen band (CB) stations, with a range of 2 ... 4 km, work in the 27 MHz band (most likely 27.120 MHz).
Usually, the date of their manufacture is written on the electrolytic capacitors, so the station must have been produced approximately in the respective period. By all appearances - types of parts, design, way of making, etc. - it can be a model from the mid-90s
Note, I changed the formatting from 27,120 MHz to 27.120 MHz.
Since they’re 3 channel radios, and the main PCB clearly shows two sets of three crystals, presumably a pair of crystals for each channel, one transmit and one receive, with the 455 kHz TX/RX difference.
The channel selector simply says MULTI-CHANNEL
I’ve read that they use 26.995 MHz, 27.045 MHz, 27.095 MHz, 27.120 MHz, 27.145 MHz, 27.195 MHz, 27.250 MHz, 27.255 MHz and 27.270 MHz.
Use of the RCRS channels would make sense. Some sources call these 100mW output radios, others call them 50mW. They remind me of the 100 milliwatt (actual output was 50 milliwatt) RadioShack single-channel CB walkie talkies like the TRC-92 and I know there were many many others.
Sort of intrigued.