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Author Topic: FM station heard  (Read 12638 times)

Offline BDM

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FM station heard
« on: March 13, 2012, 2104 UTC »
I'm usually hesitant on posting FM free radio logs for obvious reasons. I hear one very rarely on 88.1 north of me. I've only heard it during my travels. Plays rock mostly and never any voice over. Seems to have good coverage of approx 5 miles give or take a slice. Heard a couple of times. I'll just say north of Mt Clemens MI and leave it at that. There is another in my general area (wont say where ;)  ) that plays old radio shows in high quality. The audio always sounds excellent.

Radios -- Perseus SDR // SDRPlay RSPdx-R2 // Icom IC-7300 // // Yaesu FT-991A // Tecsun PL-990x // Realistic DX-440 // Panasonic RF-5000A --Antennas-- Pixel Pro 1B loop - 82' fan-dipole at 40' - tuned MW/BCB 40" loop and 100' receive only dipole
-Brian--North of Detroit--MI-
1710/KHz the MW Pirate Clear Channel (not so much anymore "sigh")

Offline mr. mike

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Re: FM station heard
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2012, 2206 UTC »
Was it running music? What kind? Did you catch any station IDs?
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Offline kmorgan

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Re: FM station heard
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 0157 UTC »
Butting in here- is it possible that just maybe that 88.1 could be a home transmitter set to an XM radio on 88.1? Someone may have a beefed up xmitter,  why I bring this up- I just moved into a condo and often hear my neighbor's XM/Sirius on 88.1 (I think it's my neighbor anyway!) old time radio is a popular XM station. This of course is all conjecture, however...


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Re: FM station heard
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2012, 0324 UTC »
Reminds me of one I heard while travelling. Was excited it was likely a pirate... no ID, crappy audio and only a few Km range.

Man was I disappointed when I got home and found it a licenced LPFM experimental community radio station ::)


Offline BDM

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Re: FM station heard
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2013, 0658 UTC »
I was up that way (north of me) again recently and nothing heard. I don't believe I've heard it since around the end of July. No ID has ever been given though I once heard funny commercials playing in between songs. Music was general pop from the 70s/80s. Audio quality of the station has always been excellent with commercial quality minus the compression pumping effect. Somehow I doubt this is a simply home transmitter. Very good distance and audio quality.
Radios -- Perseus SDR // SDRPlay RSPdx-R2 // Icom IC-7300 // // Yaesu FT-991A // Tecsun PL-990x // Realistic DX-440 // Panasonic RF-5000A --Antennas-- Pixel Pro 1B loop - 82' fan-dipole at 40' - tuned MW/BCB 40" loop and 100' receive only dipole
-Brian--North of Detroit--MI-
1710/KHz the MW Pirate Clear Channel (not so much anymore "sigh")

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: FM station heard
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2013, 0000 UTC »
There's someone who uses what I assume is a hacked personal transmitter to broadcast to the area around a local shopping center and into a nearby neighborhood. There's too much coverage for the thing to be stock.

I df'ed the signal one day. The op is very stealthy. The transmitter was in a empty vehicle with an old style cellphone antenna attached to the the back glass as a radiator.

If a person wasn't radio saavy,you'd never notice it.

Offline JehovahsWettness

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Re: FM station heard
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2013, 0331 UTC »
This station is still going at lower power.  It had been operating at around 300W in the fall with a home-made j-pole at 40 ft., 75W prior to that with a Comet 5/8.  Operating now at 6W until the stormy season is over....  PC-based with a few broadcast plugins/WinAmp.  Can usually pick it up on the Z-bridge or I675 even at reduced power.  The j-pole is getting kinda crusty having been up there over a year.  At 300W the Longley-Rice propagation model (which turned out to be surprisingly accurate) covered most of the thumb, which, in my father's words, is "really f*cking stupid".   I'll be unplugging it next time I'm up that way.  I had my fun, and honestly after the whole PIRATE thing wore off, it was all about experimenting and propagation.  Make a change, drive around, get angry, make more changes...  but there are better ways of doing it.  SW still has a certain allure tho...

Advice?  The key here is to keep it moving, both location and frequency.  Also be sure you're not generating complaints - stay away Clearwater/etc.  A few weeks in one location.....and move.  Started with 5W on a commercial grain elevator (a local ham club had a repeater up there, LOL). Placed it there all ninja-like and it wasn't discovered until it caught on fire.  Was a real work of art - a headless micro PC running winamp pulling stream from internet swiped from the ISP that had gear up there.  controlled the whole mess via LogMeIn.  Biggest loss was the Comet.

Now I've got my eyes on an old defunct christian radio station that is for rent in Birch Run, and the old WSGW AM station in Bay City.  I have dreams of going legit...anyone interested in the current events surrounding LPFM should definitely check out Prometheus.

Hallicrafters Skyrider Defiant, longwire.
a gaggle of Yaesu FT-101
PRC-47:  60 Meter military junk
Genesis 40M CW QRP xmtr:  Colorado 14'ers contesting

Somewhere in Militiagan

Offline BDM

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Re: FM station heard
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2013, 0212 UTC »
JehovahsWettness, that's interesting to say the least.
Radios -- Perseus SDR // SDRPlay RSPdx-R2 // Icom IC-7300 // // Yaesu FT-991A // Tecsun PL-990x // Realistic DX-440 // Panasonic RF-5000A --Antennas-- Pixel Pro 1B loop - 82' fan-dipole at 40' - tuned MW/BCB 40" loop and 100' receive only dipole
-Brian--North of Detroit--MI-
1710/KHz the MW Pirate Clear Channel (not so much anymore "sigh")

Offline SingleSideburn

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Re: FM station heard
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2013, 1131 UTC »
I was interested in getting a low-power FM license for use in my hometown. I think the deadline for applications is coming up in just a few weeks. It's probably too late for me due to my indecision.

They would let you broadcast with 100 watts, and your typical coverage radius would be 3.5 miles from the transmitter.

It would be a great opportunity to be influential, on a cultural and political level. But at the same time, you would be cod-blocked by the FCC if you tried to be "too free" with your free radio.

Maybe it's better to be outside the system.

X-ray Delta Zulu Victor

north Alabama, but you're not supposed to know, heh
Drake R8B + horizontal loop


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