Yep, 10-11m is roaring today. I'm looking at the strength of the 10m FT8 signals... very good snr's. Freeband looks well populated also. Might see if I can catch some 27.700mhz sstv sigs.
Later on this afternoon, if there's still an opening, I might check to see if the Far Pacific comes in on 10m FT8, as it has on previous openings.
Watching the spectrum on 11m with an sdr... you realize how many really trashy/misadjusted radios there are, ruining the spectrum. So many with the opposite sideband hardly suppressed, overly wide signals with so much "trash" in their bandwidth that they literally destroy 20khz on either side of "center". Oh well, what's new 'eh? ;-)
well, it's 2043 UTC as the time of writing...
No sstv on 27.7mhz, gave up on that. The strong lsb ssb stations were crowding that freq anyway. FT8 was mostly strong stateside stuff... a little bit of SA, so I moved up into the 10m beacon band to pick up a few loggings.
Dial freq ... 28.183.131 w/600hz offset for cw copy ... XE1RCS/B EK09 2023 UTC
28.209.266 same ... K7EMX/B DN30 XP 3 watts 2030 UTC
28.218.279 same ... KJ4LAA Catural EM64 2036 UTC
Sigs on all the beacons swung from inaudible for a second or two to 579 copy. Much qsb.
So I think it's back to waiting 'till later for some Far Pacific on 10m FT8.
update ... yes, Far Pacific showing up on 10m FT8 ... Fiji .... 232330 -16 0.4 2806 ~ KE3QZ 3D2AG -06