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Author Topic: 20M AM? Sure... Why not?  (Read 1929 times)

Offline ThaDood

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20M AM? Sure... Why not?
« on: April 16, 2020, 1710 UTC »
Came home last night to tune-in to some of the big-gun AM'ers on 3880kHz around 06:00UTC. I heard them mention that there's folks trying 20M AM again on 14.330MHz. The last time that I heard anything there, and actually worked 'em, was during the AM Rally. Although last night 3880kHz AM was pretty much lightning crash free, 20M AM is a decent thing to try to get away from that, for sure. And, with Sporadic "E" mysteriously picking up in April, (Hey... I'll take it.), 29.000000MHz AM 10M might see some activity again. BTW, anyone doing AM on 17M?
Over the years I have to admit coming up with some no-so good ideas for products. The Skipping Cassette Decks, (In case you missed record skipping.), never took. Water Resistant Lollipops never caught on either, even though you could enjoy those in the rain and in the shower. Then, there's the Anatomically Correct Mrs. Butterworth Syrup Dispenser. (Just guess where the syrup came out of.) Nope, no takers.

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: 20M AM? Sure... Why not?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2020, 0405 UTC »
I used to hear Radio Garbonzo up there occasionally, but that's been awhile back

Offline ThaDood

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Re: 20M AM? Sure... Why not? Did it!
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2020, 2317 UTC »
Nice QSO to KE7TRP in Phoenix, AZ on 14.330AM. He was on a 4 ele Mosley with a Johnson Desk KW, coming in better than an S7 and I was only sending him a 20W carrier with a homebrew Windom, giving him S+15/9. See, it can be done with a ricebox. (Especially on a Kenwood. Hi-hi...)
Over the years I have to admit coming up with some no-so good ideas for products. The Skipping Cassette Decks, (In case you missed record skipping.), never took. Water Resistant Lollipops never caught on either, even though you could enjoy those in the rain and in the shower. Then, there's the Anatomically Correct Mrs. Butterworth Syrup Dispenser. (Just guess where the syrup came out of.) Nope, no takers.

Offline ThaDood

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Re: 20M AM? Sure... Why not? Active late night!
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2020, 0015 UTC »
Surprise!!!! Nice 20M AM QSO last night at 04:00UTC to W5JAY in AR on 14.330MHz. The QSO to the dude in IN couldn't be had by me, since IN is too close to WV, so W5JAY had to take turns between myself, and that dude in IN. Nice signal on W5JAY, at S9 peaks, and never dropping out. Good audio from his Apachi Labs rig too. I was barefoot on the TS-2000X with the Heil HMM mic and Windom.
Over the years I have to admit coming up with some no-so good ideas for products. The Skipping Cassette Decks, (In case you missed record skipping.), never took. Water Resistant Lollipops never caught on either, even though you could enjoy those in the rain and in the shower. Then, there's the Anatomically Correct Mrs. Butterworth Syrup Dispenser. (Just guess where the syrup came out of.) Nope, no takers.


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