Hi All,
I have an SDR or two I am going to deploy for HF reception. I hope to link to them via WiFi to avoid a DC connection to my house. Power will be a DC feed (yes, a dc connection) but via a run of "fusible link" thin wire , before connecting to a choke and onward to a DC supply. The whole arrangement is going to be assumed to be somewhat sacrificial as I live in NC, and lightning is a way of life. The idea is that my house is not sacrificial.
I have a tower and a yagi etc, but that stuff is all disconnected during lightning season except when I'm using it. I do have about an acre of woods back there with a ton of trees that I can hang things from, though I really don't want to erect something super complicated at this point .
Here's the question. What recommendations do you have on a broadbandish wire antenna ? Let's assume it's not tunable (so broadband is a poor term!) for HF ? I've never messed with a loop and I do have one of Chris's multitap impedance transformers available for this , so those are on the radar screen. If that's a good solution, what design/dimensions would you recommend? I guess a G5RV is kind of a loop/folded dipole/squashed loop.
I've got a lot of wire if needed.
Your thoughts appreciated. Chris, what works well for you?
I don't want to put my Kiwi out there, but an MSI SDR might be expendable (I want to stick a RTLSDR dongle out there first just do do a proof of concept on the wireless link, etc). I know their limitations!