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Author Topic: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation  (Read 17809 times)

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2020, 1800 UTC »
This forum is use to make money (by some) that leads to the all problems noted here (finally exposed).  Instead of being a free exchange of designs and ideas of many people to achieve a goal that all can benefit from.

I think there's plenty of room here for both. Commercial products can exist side by side with "free" (I assume you mean open / public domain). The former doesn't preclude discussions of the latter. Some people do not have the equipment (or technical ability) to build their own equipment, or don't want to.
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2020, 2357 UTC »
This forum is used to make money (by some) that leads to the all problems noted here (finally exposed).  Instead of being a free exchange of designs and ideas of many people to achieve a goal that all can benefit from.

I think there's plenty of room here for both. Commercial products can exist side by side with "free" (I assume you mean open / public domain). The former doesn't preclude discussions of the latter. Some people do not have the equipment (or technical ability) to build their own equipment, or don't want to.

Well coming from someone that also sales stuff I can understand your view as you understand mine.
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Offline syfr

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2020, 1937 UTC »
Is there supposed to be something wrong with people who "sale" stuff?  Is that a bad thing?

People "sale" stuff because there's people who want to buy it... that's true for Stretch and for Chris. I'm pretty grateful for the opportunity.  There's about 10,001 schematics on the web that are free. A lot of them are posted here too, but not everyone wants to assemble a BOM, lay out a circuit board, order parts etc.

  I don't recall either Chris or Stretch refusing to answer any technical questions because they want you to buy their gear, because that never has happened.

Now, we return you to the regularly scheduled axe grinding.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 2131 UTC by syfr »
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Offline Charlie_Dont_Surf

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2020, 1618 UTC »
I really don't know what you're trying to achieve by posting all this?
Your spending all this time and effort, why?

I have explained the safety issues and concerns. Since you either don't seem to understand or (more likely) don't want to understand, then I can't help you.

I also don't like being lied to and I don't like to see other people being lied to either.

I really don't know what you're trying to achieve by posting all this?
Do you really think anyone is going to read thru all of someone else's ramblings?

I have provided the evidence of what you said and evidence refuting what you claimed. Whether someone feels like reading it is another question but I am being transparent and providing proof, unlike you who is fast and loose and never seem to provide proof for what you claim.

So I ask you, who would you be more likely to trust, someone who brings proof or a bullshit artist?

I couldn't be bothered the first time.

That's the difference between you and me. Your attention to detail is lacking for someone who wants to be a commercial provider with a happy customer base. I'm not expecting to make everyone happy but I'm also not making "hundreds" of faulty transmitters.

Let's also note that after admitting the issue exists, you are not seeking to make things right for the owners of your transmitters. You have only said that you will make improvements for future transmitters. You are doing your current customers a disservice.

I've tried to be civilised and heed your wise words but you seem to be going head long into slagging me off.

See above. You deserve it after all the abuse I and others took from you.

Also, nice attempt to make yourself the victim here. You have a future in public relations.

I'll delete my posts in due course and leave yours floundering in nonsense.

Nothing like covering up the evidence.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 0539 UTC by Charlie_Dont_Surf »
I don't STRETCH the truth.

cdsurf attt protonmail d0t com

Offline Charlie_Dont_Surf

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2020, 1649 UTC »
Interesting failure analysis.. Nicely done..   But.. the design is basically a hobbyist kit and well... you know how that can go...   Now that you know the shortfalls I'm sure you can fix it yourself and improve the basic design and share your findings with other who also bought this Tx so they can also benefit from it.   Now if you want Broadcast Quality... I know a guy..

caveat emptor


In general, I agree that a hobby project has lower standards but once you start selling "hundreds" (as he claims), I suggest that it is stepping out of strictly hobby territory and start bleeding into commercial-product territory. In my opinion, the standards should be a bit higher for a reputable commercial product. Even if you don't agree with my previous sentence, I think that you would agree that having "hundreds" of ticking time bombs out there is undesirable.

The report was written with the backend of it providing various avenues to improve the issue. However, I understand that some will not be able to weigh the various options and just want a prescribed solution. Other tasks need my immediate attention but once I get some time in a few weeks or months, I can boil it down.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 0533 UTC by Charlie_Dont_Surf »
I don't STRETCH the truth.

cdsurf attt protonmail d0t com

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2020, 1844 UTC »
FWIW, I know of PLENTY of commercial products I would consider ticking timebombs....PTEK comes to mind ;D  Point is, even in the commercial world, there is good stuff, and junk.

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Offline Charlie_Dont_Surf

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2020, 1900 UTC »
Is there supposed to be something wrong with people who "sale" stuff?  Is that a bad thing?

People "sale" stuff because there's people who want to buy it...

Absolutely nothing wrong with selling your wares. The seller is providing a service and it's fair to get some money for that. Don't misinterpret my criticism of his faulty design and his lying as criticism of selling things in general.

I don't recall either Chris or Stretch refusing to answer any technical questions because they want you to buy their gear, because that never has happened.

Again, there are answers and then there is easily disprovable false information. Those are two separate things. False information isn't doing anyone any good.
I don't STRETCH the truth.

cdsurf attt protonmail d0t com

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2020, 1928 UTC »
FWIW, I know of PLENTY of commercial products I would consider ticking timebombs....PTEK comes to mind ;D  Point is, even in the commercial world, there is good stuff, and junk.


Fair point. In that case, let's say "reputable commercial products" then.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 0530 UTC by Charlie_Dont_Surf »
I don't STRETCH the truth.

cdsurf attt protonmail d0t com

Offline davemartin

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2020, 2152 UTC »
Has he gone?
Dave Martin founder of WNKR, Designer of the Corsair and Commando TXs, http://freeradiotx.blogspot.com/

Offline Charlie_Dont_Surf

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2020, 0520 UTC »
Has he gone?

Who? Me? I'm still here.
I don't STRETCH the truth.

cdsurf attt protonmail d0t com

Offline Stretchyman

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2020, 0834 UTC »
Me too!

BTW if anyone is having any problems with any of my Tx's please get in touch. I have developed a PCB which is simple to fit and gives power sequencing and current limit/slow starting to any design using a MT.

PM for details.


« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 1647 UTC by Stretchyman »
'It's better to give than receive' so why Rx when you can Tx!


Offline davemartin

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Dave Martin founder of WNKR, Designer of the Corsair and Commando TXs, http://freeradiotx.blogspot.com/

Offline Stretchyman

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2020, 2234 UTC »
That'll be me then, otherwise I'm not sure what's going on....  -...--.-

'It's better to give than receive' so why Rx when you can Tx!


Offline Antennae

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #28 on: June 21, 2020, 1653 UTC »
Charlie Don't Surf, have you read my post back in October?  My TX went pop with the powersupply. I proposed a solution for the powersupply too: 

On one hand I like the fact that Stretchy is making cool transmitters that are small, efficient and powerful. But I don't like when he does things like bring your friend The Lurker into the light.  That's not very discrete. Some people use these things for pirate transmissions, unlike myself, and they could get unwanted attention from the govt.s that are no doubt reading these pages too.

FYI, I just checked my fuse, its a 15A and I managed to blow it with my last attempted repair. 
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Offline Stretchyman

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Re: Stretchyman “40W TX” Failure Investigation and Remediation
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2020, 1507 UTC »
Wasn't me who bought him into the light, it was the eejit..

'It's better to give than receive' so why Rx when you can Tx!



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