First pass has been completed. I'll bet there are a lot more that have not been heard in a while such as these
7000.0 "Itchy" Ditter, 0.21 seconds long, sent every 1.39 seconds.
7000.65 "Stumpy" Ditter, about 0.17 seconds long, sent every 22 seconds.
7039.4 "T" beacon OK0EPB sends a marker each second, a longer one at the minute, and callsign.
7998.3 "Shorty" sends 18 dashes starting every minute.
8009.7 "Hiker", Dit rate is 100 per min.
13562.90 kHz "RR-dash" beacon is located in the northern Mojave Desert of Calif. with approx. 10 mW to an inverted-L antenna.