I have gotten one today. The quick look after installing the drivers via doing SDRuno install is my does work. It only draws about 120 mA compared to 330 mA of my RTL-SDR. The laptop battery life should be better. I have Mini Circurits ZSJM-2-1 splitter installed. This allows me to compare the MSi.SDR against the Malachite DSP SDR receiver with out switching.
I normally use Console program for SDR devices. After getting the correct driver installed, Console works normally. A quick check of the various stations in my favorites shows for:
Medium Wave this is a bit deaf for the local AM,
Short Wave (HF), it appears to be as good as the Malachite, but, tonight's listening session should give the final verdict,
VHF, MSi.SDR is definitely deaf compare to the Malachite for FM broadcast and NOAA stations. MSi.SDR is OK for local stations.
For the price, one I got is worth it. I do not have any rattles with this unit. I guess the manufacture saw the post by Syfr and got after QC (his brother in law) to perform better. If I find any other "Oh by the Way" items, then I will up date this post.
"Oh by the Way":
I found the intermodulation products mentioned by Quinta. Found Brother Stair at 1901 KHz. I found 1 MHz bandwidth to be a little better for less intermodulation products. The Malachite has similar problem.
Listening to some VOLMET stations (generally weak for me) show the MSi.SDR to be about 6 to 10 dB less sensitive than the Malachite. Both use the same chip as RF front end.
After 2 plus hours of operation, the case is still about room temperature. The device is not warming up like other dongles that I have used.
The bottom line on this one, is good for shortwave broadcasts, but, not so good for chasing weak signals. For its cost, it is Okay.