WBNY, 6925 USB, 11/27/08, 1240-1325 UTC, average SINPO - 25412 (N. Central TX)
Dunno if this was relay from other op or live from da commander hisself, but if live it's the first time I've copied WBNY from original op here in N. Central Texas.
1242 UTC: Bovine theme parody song ("We will fight for bovine freedom!"), then song with duck quacking. Long fade, then WBNY ID at 1253z, signal increasing now.
1255z: Commander Bunny-style sardonic shout-out to certain, ummm... fringe characters and a song dedication to those of the sphincter persuasion.
SINPO - 25412
1300z: Deep fades, barely audible, sound fx now.
1301z: OM voice "I farted. Can you smell my fart?", faded again.
1309z: Brief fade-up, Commander Bunny talking about lawyers, Scruffy Swab? Slob? (sorry, I'm not hip to the cool kid's pirate lingo), tinfoil hats song. Faded again.
1319z: Guitar music just barely audible after long fade.
1323z: SSTV, Scottie DX mode, appears to be WBNY call sign with rabbit drawing.
SINPO - 25311, background noise coming up toward dawn here.
Audio clip for most of show (almost 10 MB). Some fades to inaudible but not too much noise, not painful to listen: