4/21/12, 6920 USB, 0333z: Dr. Benway with Undercover Radio ID, sounds live. Good signal peaks, lots of fades here.
0338z: Shout outs to folks logging this broadcast.
0340z: Leonard Cohen "Everybody Knows"
0359z: ID, "my first new show in four years".
0405z: Thanking listeners for patience in waiting for QSL cards. Hey, Dr. Benway, I really appreciate the QSL package you sent for the 20th anniversary broadcast a few years ago. I don't often ask for QSL cards and always appreciate those who send 'em - it's a lot of expense and effort.
0415z: Talking about listening to shortwave radio and "listening to Allan Weiner rant on about 'real' pirates...".
0433z: Said conditions were too rough for AM tonight, checking signal reports for requests.
0445z: Sounds like Dr. Benway switched back to USB after brief try on LSB.
0520z: Talking about Bill Of Rights, 2nd Amendment, personal privacy. Signal much stronger via east coast tuner now, still occasionally audible here at home. Reference to William Cooper (he really could spin great yarns weaving together strands of various tenuous threads from mythology, religion, history, mysticism, and current events).
Switched from my local Palstar and indoor antenna to east coast web tuner around 0350z, huge signal. Unfortunately 6920 and a big AM signal on 6925 are nut to butt now (QRM cleared up by around 0400z).