Tuesday 11th August 2020:2.565MHz CW DN3 1120z 419 report. (Continuous)
2.463MHz CW ED8 1154z 319 report.
2.385MHz CW BU8 1135z 529 report.
2.381MHz CW ZP0 0820z 519 report.
2.375MHz CW FA6 1156z 419 report.
2.365MHz CW QR8 1628z 319 report.
2.356MHz CW PF0 1640z 319 report. (Continuous)
2.352MHz CW OO6 1140z 549 report.
2.345MHz CW RI9 1147z 419 report.
2.333MHz CW HZ2 0817z 539 report.
2.321MHz CW FY6 1156z 519 report.
2.314MHz CW OO3 1141z 539 report.
2.303MHz CW JA4 1132z 519 report.
2.302MHz CW OO2 0822z 559 report.
2.300MHz CW BC5 1106z 519 report.
2.253MHz CW DG2 1631z 419 report.
2.232MHz CW NO2 1658z 319 report.
2.219MHz CW JL0 0815z 519 report.
2.216MHz CW ZS9 1007z 519 report.
2.215MHz CW ZX2 1149z 319 report.
2.206MHz CW ZW6 1645z 319 report.
2.205MHz CW AS3 1159z 419 report.
2.159MHz CW EB3 1133z 419 report.
2.149MHz CW AO1 1130z 319 report.
2.080MHz CW WG4 1128z 519 report.
1.849MHz CW LZ0 1633z 519 report.
Any listener in the Asia/Pacific area or west coast USA/Canada hearing any of the listed please post your signal report and frequency and time in UTC, thanks!