Tuesday 01st of September 2020:2.695MHz VF0 1703s 519 report.
2.692MHz KZ7 1703z 559 report.
2.669MHz DC7 1701z 559 report.
2.666MHz JI7 1714z 589 report.
2.600MHz OZ1 1712z 579 report.
2.567MHz GS2 1700z 559 report.
2.527MHz GU9 1710z 569 report.
2.413MHz OW8 1758z 419 report.
2.435MHz CY9 1718z 519 report.
2.395MHz IJ8 1728z 519 report.
2.380MHz CN7 1722z 419 report.
2.368MHz OC7 1716z 559 report.
2.365MHz FC9 1747z 559 report.
2.365MHz CY9 1718z 519 report.
2.365MHz QR8 1719z 519 report.
2.352MHz OO6 1748z 529 report.
2.335MHz RV9 0620z 579 report.
2.315MHz IW6 1722z 519 report.
2.314MHz OO3 1720z 529 report.
August DNB log note:During August the "OO" series was dominant across the band with the following heard from the series:
OO1 2.600MHz 1019z
OO2 2.302MHz 0832z
OO3 2.314MHz 1141z
OO5 2.341MHz 1110z
OO6 2.352MHz 1154z
OO7 2.368MHz 1037z
The only ones not logged were OO4, OO8 and OO9, the "OO" series may come from the same mother ship and looking at the times logged, may be placed in the same area and hence arriving on the same propagation path. Another mystery unsolved.