My first catch of Dead Cat Radio in over a month, two shows, half-hour apart.
6925 USB, 0435-0503 UTC: Fleetwood Mac "Second Hand News". Also heard songs by Boston, Faces, Belinda Carlisle.
0454z: Elmer Fudd audio bit
0459z: Felix the Cat theme song
SINPO - 34412, het from Captain Morgan on 6924.7 AM (inaudible here), occasional fading to inaudible with fairly good signal peaks.
(N. Central TX)
0540-0603 UTC: Celtic instrumental reel/jig; surf rock instrumental (sounded like update of Ventures classic); "Video Killed the Radio Star" (Buggles?); another Celtic sounding instrumental.
0603z: Meow, Dead Cat Radio voice ID.
SINPO - 25422