KOREA SOUTH. Nov 9 (Monday) observed frequencies:
VOP: 3480 (best reception) // 3910 // 3930 // 4450 // 6520 // 6600, at 1218 UT (after the news [Bodo]),
start of the "gohyang-e on pyeonji" (A Letter That Came To My Hometown) program. Thanks to Korean DXer "Pak"
for providing this program info, via website "Now On The Radio DX."
VOH: 3985 (CNR2 QRM) // 4890 // 5995 // 6255 (FYI - CNR1 jamming is now gone from this frequency)
// 6350 // 9105, at 1231 UT, with my favorite Korean pop song - PSY, with "Gangnam Style" (YouTube music
video at
http://bit.ly/38DBv6X - which has been viewed a total of 3,851,622,045); as usual, 9105 heard
with very good reception.
Voice of Freedom, 5920, at 1015 UT, with fair reception (no jamming). The super jamming from N. Korea
still heard on 6045 (interesting to note the terrible frequency choice of Alaska [KNLS], which is now
mixing with this very strong jamming, from 1100 to 1200 UT), while 6135 was a clear frequency with no