Very Good reception
Thanks for broadcast this chilly winter weekend night, outstanding stuff you have introduced me 2240 Unid instrumental music to ID
2248 DW giving run down of songs played, HFU poster shout outs - thanks
2250 "The Black Exit"
2255 ID (will be playing cribbage and listening)
2325 DW saying he played new one from Smashing Pumpkins, shout out to Red Hat, yours truly, Skipmunk, and others. Talking about his almost marriage.
2327 Oinga Boinga (?) song
2340 OM "Are you ready.....let's do it." YL "Whateeeeeever"
2354 DW complaining about distance of play buttons,
DW rocking' a DX-160: (turn volume on & up)
0002 "Love Will Keep Us Together"
0005 ID. Reception better than local am now
0022 "Hee haw, hee haw - your favorite jack*ss" "That was Flag Day" (that's my birthday
0024 "Never Say Never" RS request
Request? Seu Jorge's Portuguese cover of "Life on Mars"0029 Song includes Munster's theme
0036 "Energy Czar"
0042 "Life on Mars" Seu Jorge. Thanks, DW!
. Song is from film sound track
The Life Aquatic... with Bill Murray
0103 ID
DW - From Groucho Marx, "Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?". Says the poster married 39 years