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Author Topic: Resources to ID VHF/UHF sigital signals?  (Read 1482 times)

Offline alleycat

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Resources to ID VHF/UHF sigital signals?
« on: February 20, 2021, 1452 UTC »
Sorry if this is a bit off-topic. I recognize & respect that this is a forum for ID'ing HF signals. Can anyone point me to a similar forum for assistance in identifying unknown digital signals above 30 MHz not represented at SigIDWiki? Thanks!

P.S. If anyone *does* want to take a crack at it here, I'm hearing an approximately 15 kHz wide intermittent signal on 72.1 MHz that lasts roughly 2-10 seconds and sounds like a pager, but definitely is not POCSAG - waterfall at https://www.lutins.org/temp/701.jpg and audio at https://www.lutins.org/temp/701.m3. Promise I won't pester y'all with above-30 MHz signals again!
allen lutins - KC2KLC
Binghamton, NY
Rigs: Yaesu FT-897D, Elecraft KX3, RTL-SDR Blog V3 & SDRPlay RSP1A
Antennas: G5RV Jr dipole, Alpha Antenna EZMilitary portable vertical & Grove Omni-II discone
eQSLs welcome: kc2klc@lutins.net


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