Frequency: 5130
Mode: USB
Date: 11 March 2021
Time: 0130
SINPO: 33333 in CT
Signal meter: S5+
0130 - Viking Rock Music with ID waterfall data bursts

0145 - Metallica - One
0150 - data message

0151 - most metal with OM speaking about Ma don't like metal and politics and about milking goats.
0151 - Manowar - Brothers of Metal
0156 - OM ID as Retard Radio
0156 - Tears For Fears - Shout
0159 - OM speaking about ma and milking the goats to make cheese over song.
0201 Zippy Do Doh - What A Wonderful Life from Disney
0204 - Hi Am Gary The Returd Data ID again
0205 - Simple Minds - Won't You Forget about Me
0206 - OM speaking about Ma over the music
0207 -Gary The Returd from VT speaks again
0208 - Uncle Remuas again
0209 - Flcock of Seaguila - I Ran with Gary The Returd signing along over it
0212 -Uncle Remuas again
0214 - B-52's - Love Shack sound like Gary The Returd signing with it
0217 - OM aka Gary The Retuid spaeaks about going to milk the goats and poop
0219 - Falco - Rock Me Amadus (German Version) with goat effects??
0222 - Waterfall Data ID

0223 - Rockwell wiith Micheal Jackson - Somebody's Watch Me
0225 - Uncle Reamus again
0227 - Toni Basil - Mickey
0232- Gary Numan - Cars
0235 - OM Gary speaking
0236 - Data on Waterfall again:

0237 - The Bangles - Wake Like An Egyptian with Gary The Returd saying 'He got to poop'
0239 - Data again

0240 - Billy Idol - White Wedding with the Garyettes a bunch of goats
0244 - Zippity Do Dah again with gaats
0246 - Judas Priest - Turbo Lover with the Garyettes a bunch of goats in the studio
0250 - Data on Waterfall
0251 - Zippity Doo Duh
0252 - Gary speaking about loving his goats
0252 - Proclaimers - 100 Miles
0305 - Taylor Swift - Trouble (Goat Mix)
0306 - Lou Reed - Take A Walk On The Wild Side
0308 - Beck - I'm A Looser with Uncle Gary and Wild VT Goats.
0310 - Faith No More - Epic (cut off in middle of song or skipping) On say 'I need to pee'
0313 - DATA on Waterfall

0314 - Pink Floyd = Sheep ?
0336 - BOC - Burning For You
0350 - Reel Big Fish - Sell Out
0354 - Sweet - Fox On The Run
Thanks for the show. PSE e-QSL if you can