« on: March 30, 2021, 0143 UTC »
I'm seeing 2-minute long narrowband (roughly 75 Hz wide?) digital QSOs on 7040 kHz that I can't identify (apparently nothing similar at SigIdWiki). I think it might be some variant of PSK based on the resources at
http://www.w1hkj.com/modes/index.htm, but I ran through all these modes in MultiPSK to no avail. Audio at
https://www.lutins.org/temp/radio/7040_digi.mp3 waterfall as shown below. Thanks for any assistance!
allen lutins - KC2KLC
Binghamton, NY
Rigs: Yaesu FT-897D, Elecraft KX3, RTL-SDR Blog V3 & SDRPlay RSP1A
Antennas: G5RV Jr dipole, Alpha Antenna EZMilitary portable vertical & Grove Omni-II discone
eQSLs welcome: kc2klc@lutins.net