1/10/09, 6925 USB, 2340-2355 UTC, station ID'd as "Godzilla Radio" in kid's voice occasionally audible during fades of Real Pirate Radio (logged elsewhere).
2342z: RPR faded out, hearing Godzilla sound fx, echo fx voice, just audible in noise.
2345z: "This is Godzilla Radio" ID, sounds like little kid's voice.
2348z: Godzilla Radio ID again, kid's voice, other dialog unintelligible.
2349z: "RPR - Real Pirate Radio" ID just audible during fade of Godzilla Radio
2353z: Little kid voice "This is Godzilla Radio, for the first time ever!", a bit clearer, voice sounds kinda like Ultraman?
(N. Central TX - indoor fugloop antenna)
Godzilla Radio ID from around 2353 UTC: