on 6960.0 direct in Europe
0118 music, a fade, 0120 music (long track), 0128 next,
up and down, music barely heard now, 0140
I completely missed 3 IDs reported above, not a voice heard,
so I'm not sure about what I hear, and that 'music' lacks of punch and rhythm, 0150
0152 I managed to get more signal, hope to report details
0156 Mungo Jerry "In the summertime", 0159 known tune unk.title,
0203 talking, giving an address at protonmail, 0204 unk. tracks,
0214 known tune, 0216 DJ ?, music, etc
0223 SSTV, noisy, got the bottom with 'radio' word,
0225 talking (no copy), seconds of music
0226 OFF