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Author Topic: 25950 FM STL  (Read 2727 times)

Offline Beerus Maximus

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25950 FM STL
« on: September 30, 2012, 1922 UTC »
I have KOA's STL up on 25950 FM at 1921 UTC, although it's fading down as the band closes up. Sports talk.
# Genetically engineered sentient sausage & undisputed inventor of the end-fed dipole. I also invented the schlumpy dipole.
# KiwiSDR, NetSDR, Airspy HF+, Airspy HF+ Discovery, TS-590, IC-7610, FTDX10, ANAN 7000 DLE MKII
# beerusmaximus@gmail.com * North Shore, Massachusetts


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