KOREA NORTH[non]. first day back to alternate frequencies of 5965 // 7295, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, via Yamata (Japan). June 30
(Wednesday), from tune in at 1311 to 1400* UT. Confirming the new schedule for English (ex: Thursday). Yes, 1300-1400 UT is now in
English every Wednesday with "Today's News Flash" and "Today's News on North Korea Issues" and at 1324 the segment "Message
from the Japanese government," mentioning both “Nippon no Kaze” and "Furusato no Kaze"; fair and both unjammed on the first day
on these new frequencies. Ex: 5935 // 6040, both still being jammed by N. Korea.
Full schedule via Hiroshi (Japan):
JSR Shiokaze, June 30, 2021
1300-1400 5965 // 7295
1405-1435 5920 // 6070
1600-1700 5920 // 6165