UNID 11136.0 kHz USB 22:22 UTC 21 JULY 2021
22:22 UTC - 2 UNID foreign language stations initially engaged in clear voice communication. Stations switched to a digital mode then returned to clear voice by 22:23 UTC;
22:30 UTC - Short voice traffic from 1 station being heard;
22:31 UTC - Digital traffic being heard;
22:43 UTC - Voice traffic between 2 stations, sounds like Brazilian pirate operators operating out-of-band;
23:32 UTC - Voice traffic between 2 stations;
23:55 UTC - Voice traffic between 2 stations;
UNID 11136.0 kHz USB 22 JULY 2021
00:00 UTC - Voice traffic between 2 stations;
00:01 UTC - Digital traffic being exchanged between stations.
RSPduo | Barker & Williamson antenna | Toronto, Ontario Canada