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Author Topic: Borderhunter Radio 15500 AM 1805 UTC 21 Oct  (Read 4134 times)

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Borderhunter Radio 15500 AM 1805 UTC 21 Oct
« on: October 21, 2012, 1805 UTC »
Nice signal here, this afternoon.
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
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Offline skeezix

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Re: Borderhunter Radio 15500 AM 1805 UTC 21 Oct
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 1810 UTC »
1809Z 15311 S3 Signal variable between deep in the noise and about S2 and able to hear some music.
1815Z 25322 S5 Bert Weedom "Guitar Boogie Shuffle" playing in the background while BHR sets up a QSO with Dr. Benway.
1817Z BHR off
1817Z 25322 S5 Undercover Radio & Dr Benway talking to BHR.
1822Z Dr Benway off
1823Z 25322 S5 BHR back on. A bit of music and some talk (although hard to make out what he's saying with fading).
1830Z BHR off
1830Z 35333 S7 Benway on and signal is up. Talking transatlantically with BHR, playing a little background music.
1835Z Dr Benway off
1835Z Another party is in there, but far too weak to hear here, only see a hint of a carrier on the waterfall. Dr Benway heard him and the other sta is running 15W.
1838Z Bluestar Radio is the other station (heard via Dr Benway)
1840Z Dr Benway's signal is S1-S5. A lot of fading now. Still waiting for BHR to return.
1841Z 35332 S5 BHR is back with some music. Audio levels are slightly lower and when op talks, seems slightly muffled. Not horrible, but makes it harder to understand.
1847Z BHR off
1847Z 25322 S5 Dr Benway on.  Signal fluctuating in the noise to S5.
1851Z 25322 S5 Dr Benway signing off with BHR & Bluestar Radio. Also put out a call for any other transatlantic
1852Z Dr Benway off.
1853Z Bluestar Radio came on for a bit. Could see in the waterfall, but couldn't hear anything (Dr Benway came on afterwards and confirmed it was Bluestar)
1857Z Dr Benway mentioned that he heard SSTV, but did not copy. I saw something, but could not tell what it was.
1908Z Dr Benway back on. Calling for anyone else out there.
1908Z 35333 S6 Steve Milller Band "Time Keeps On Slipping"
1914Z 35333 S6 Audio faded, but still have a carrier.
1917Z 35333 S6 Hahaha... was no audio as Dr Benway confirmed it was dead air.
1917Z Off air.

Perseus SDR + 102' G5RV @ 25'
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 1918 UTC by skeezix »
Minneapolis, MN


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