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Author Topic: Izhevzsk Russia KiwiSDR 11 meter Logs 1900+ UTC 16 Sept 2021  (Read 604 times)

Offline R4002

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Izhevzsk Russia KiwiSDR 11 meter Logs 1900+ UTC 16 Sept 2021
« on: September 16, 2021, 1911 UTC »
LO66ou grid, Izhevsk Russia

Band pretty quiet this evening (2300 local time likely explains why) - but the 26.945 MHz and 26.960 MHz paging systems were very busy.  26.960 MHz had signals on it nearly nonstop.  Lots of "hooks" (ISM signals) both within and above and below the 26957 - 27283 ISM band. 

26945 kHz FM - 26.945 MHz FM - FSK data bursts - likely paging systems (numerous signals on frequency)
26960 kHz FM - 26.960 MHz FM - FSK data bursts - likely paging systems (numerous signals on frequency)
27130 kHz FM - 27.130 MHz FM - YL taxi dispatcher (I think) - taxi cab controller
27135 KHz FM - 27.135 MHz FM - CBer, Russian (obviously) - much stronger than the 27130 signal
27225 kHz AM - 27.225 MHz AM - OM CB operator heard, weak signal
27645 kHz FM - 27.645 MHz FM - Taxi cab dispatch, YL dispatcher (weak)

U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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