Yeah, ( Damnit, forgot to bring my notes, now @ library/only way to 'do' internet) anyway remember a "song" rap I
think about horoscope & something like "'re gonna die,'re gonna die,'re gonna die",...etc Laughed My Ass Off!!!

(Hey, I'm 72 & counting!); heard the toll free # given...(oh did ya'll know that there was a court (maybe Supreme Court) ruling that because the person/business/etc pays for the "free" 800/877/888 etc whatever # that business/person has the right to know Who called in @ least the callers # if I remember right...that means me you & a dog named knew that right?). The moderator seems to have a potty mouth. The signal was very strong until around 0300gmt then began weakening substantially. Kinda surprised nobody else "out west" heard this one.
Lookin' fwd. to this evening.