seems that the data transmissions heard on 27.255 MHz (and the other RC channels) during band openings are not from these paging least not the Radio Shack PG-99 17-6020 or 17-6023 (which is a 4-watt transmitter, and may work on 26.995 MHz instead of 27.255 MHz...not 100% sure there).
Thanks to Chris S. for providing the SDR and the test transmissions from the RadioShack 7 watt paging transmitter pager system (with stock back of set CB radio antenna).
Unlike the signals noted on 27.255 and 27.195 lately (27.195 only during band openings) - this system transmits a single FSK signal about 500 Hz from center frequency 27255.0 kHz. Center of the FSK signal is 27.2545 or 27254.5...usually there are two FSK signals - usually about -2.5 kHz or -3 kHz from center frequency and + 2.5 kHz or +3 kHz from center frequency.