I may have brought this up in the past. Just wanted to get some general opinions on antennas for VHF/UHF listening. Aircraft, Marine, FRS/GMRS, Taco Bells drive thrus etc. I know that discone's are known for being an all around RX antennas for various bands above 30 MHZ. Are they really any better than,say a 2m/440 vertical? I owned a tram 1411 (The bigger discone) , but didn't keep it long enough to form an opinion. A guy I know really like it, so I gave him a deal on it. The antenna was quite large and after putting a bit dab of glue on the jam nuts and rubber end caps, it seemed to be a pretty solid piece. I attempted to use for TX/RX on 2M/440 with fairly disappointing results. It also claimed to work for 10/11 meters, but I did not even attempt. On that note. If discone's are recommended, is it worth the extra cost for a Diamond as far as actual RX gain? Would be nice to have a dedicated VHF/UHF antenna on the other RSP2 ant port I'm not using.