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Author Topic: E07... and a lack, thereof  (Read 2139 times)

Offline Echo_One

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E07... and a lack, thereof
« on: November 21, 2012, 1857 UTC »
Got the 1820  UTC 6982 slot for E07 with nice and clean audio - something exceptional for E07 this time of year for me. However, when it came round to the 1840 slot on 5938, there was no message - I presume from the QRM coming from an AM station on 5940. I did a little hunting around either side but found no E07 at 1840... For me, this was rather interesting as, apart from the no message heard at 1840, there was a lower then normal tone in the autoreader for E07 - almost as if the computer was depressed! ;D

For the record, the message was 199/00
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