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Author Topic: Andromedid Meteor Outburst  (Read 795 times)

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Andromedid Meteor Outburst
« on: November 30, 2021, 1602 UTC »
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
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Offline ThaDood

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Re: Andromedid Meteor Outburst
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2021, 2015 UTC »
Um... Actually, testing out that new Xiegu G90 SDR rig, before bed, I've been setting that rig on CB CH38LSB, (27.385MHz), on the 10M AR-10 Ringo VERT 1/2-wave, and I've been hearing a lot of quick pop-IN's / OUT's of stations around 3AM. So, I suspect that's the meteor scatter, that you've printed about. Huh... Maybe I should park another rig on the 6M Halo ANT on 50.125MHz USB. Hey... Since you have a Discone as a VHF OMNI, try a weak, or if possible an empty FM FREQ, (Yeah, right...), and see if you can slow record an ID from an FM station's meteor scatter skip. I've done that with a car stereo driving at stupid o'clock at night, bored with what else was on the radio at the time.
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