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Author Topic: when mellowing out...  (Read 6189 times)

Offline Chanter

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when mellowing out...
« on: November 28, 2012, 0308 UTC »
This's just a curiosity question, as I'm in serious need of chilling out at the moment, and I know I have a go-to radio station for when the world needs to look a little warmer and fuzzier.  ... I'm the only one?  Oh crud.  :)  In all seriousness, I thought I'd throw this out there and see what kind of answers it generated.  

Which, if any, radio station do you switch to when you're looking for the warm fuzzies?  That is to say, which station do you listen to when you want the world to look just a tiny bit brighter/less awful than it did before you tuned in?  All bands included.  

For me, it tends to be Radio Nacional da Amazonia, and you can blame that on both Brazilian Portuguese and the music they play; they're enchanting, if in somewhat different ways.  I'd have said RNW before June of this year (sob), and now KBC fills some of that void.  That lovely Dutch accent and the occasional multilingual snippets are really great to hear.  They remind me of Hilversum, a bit.  *should not be this attached, should I?*  

Your turn.  Feel free and call a weirdo a weirdo too, if I'm way off in left field someplace and don't know it.  
Madison, WI, U.S.A. 
Tecsun PL-660, Yaesu FT60R handheld, and Realistic DX-398 (back up and running!) 
QSL's appreciated 

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Offline taschenrechner

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Re: Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 0413 UTC »
I always like to listen to Radio Rebelde, since hearing it when I was a kid is what got me into shortwave listening in the first place.
Airspy HF+ Discovery, Youloop.  SDR++, GQRX,
QSL to: kj4wna@gmail.com

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2012, 0435 UTC »
No Chanter, you're not weird... or at least if you are, you have lots of good company I'm sure.  I also am in need of a new "mojo fix".  For a couple of years back in the late 80s I would get right again after some intensive care from Dr. KUSW when the Carlsons owned it.  That's gone.  WRNO was good for a while - that's gone too.  Although I'm as hedonistic as many, I always got a boost listening to HCJB from Ecuador.  They were VERY DXer oriented, they played a lot of Andean folk music, and even when they wanted to get the message out, they'd often do it differently than the other Bible blasters.  I used to love that shmaltzy, over the top "Unshackled" radio drama for instance.  Although stuff like that would make me chuckle, a couple hours of "The Voice of the Andes" would always blow the funk off of me.  And they're gone now too.   I find comfort radio to be quite rare at the moment, but I'm still looking.  I had my first dose of The Mighty KBC the other night - thanks for the tip - and that one feels good, but only time will tell if it really scratches my itch.  Interesting topic - thanks for starting it.
Hailing from the upstate boondocks region of the progressive paradise which once was New York State


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Re: Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2012, 0453 UTC »
I'll second that; Rebelde plays a lot of good music.

I used to listen to an Armed Forces Radio station somewhere around 5500khz. One of the sidebands carried music and sports talk. I haven't tried to listen to it for years, so it may not be there any more, but it always made me feel good to know that I was listening to the same thing that the troops were hearing overseas.

I always like to listen to Radio Rebelde, since hearing it when I was a kid is what got me into shortage listening in the first place.

Offline paranoid dxer

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2012, 0730 UTC »

coast to coast am for nap time
the hamster bands for humor 
shortwave for music and doomsday preachers
also music on Radio Free Bob 

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Offline Sealord

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2012, 1303 UTC »
If it's early in the morning, I like to listen to North Korea on 6250 - the low level music/talk over the noise floor is what I actually like.  Also, any of the Mid East stations doing the Holy Quran prayer; not that I understand any of it, but the pace & style of the delivery is what is relaxing especially at low volume.  Other than that, there's one particular Dead Cat Radio show that does it for me.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 1948 UTC by Sealord »
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Offline Chanter

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2012, 2334 UTC »
Sealord, you've got a point about the Middle Eastern stations and recitation of the Quran.  That really is lovely, isn't it?  I can't understand a word, and if I could, I imagine I'd have a different take on things.  But it's beautiful to hear. 

FF, I only caught HCJB Voice of the Andes once in English, and you're right: They really were DXer oriented.  I remember being thrilled I'd heard *Ecuador* of all places, not knowing they were a religious station at the time.  If I recall, they're still around, just in Portuguese and Kulina rather than English. 

Fansome, I think that particular AFRTS station was around 5448kHz.  If they were the Key West site, which I believe they were, they've recently signed off.  Alas.  Guam and Diego Garcia are still out there, though.  All is not lost.  ... Says the girl who misses Hilversum dearly.  I should talk, shouldn't I?  Heh. 
Madison, WI, U.S.A. 
Tecsun PL-660, Yaesu FT60R handheld, and Realistic DX-398 (back up and running!) 
QSL's appreciated 

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Offline mondomusique

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2012, 1846 UTC »
Hey Chanter, fellow Radio Nacional da Amazonia fan right here, was listening last night on 11780... I love their bumper/segue music, they play it throughout the broadcasts, really good.

I'm always on the lookout for good music on shortwave.
Afedri sdr, Palstar radio, Wellbrook antenna
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eQSLs: djprincehifi@yahoo.ca

Offline taschenrechner

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Re: Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2012, 2327 UTC »
Oh yeah, how could I forget about HCJB? Somewhere I have whole collections of their qsl cards. DX Partyline was a great show!
Airspy HF+ Discovery, Youloop.  SDR++, GQRX,
QSL to: kj4wna@gmail.com

Offline Billy the Mountain

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2012, 1937 UTC »
Radio Habana Cuba for the music, and, of course

Dr. Benway

for the message.
Somewhere in MO.
TR7/Sony 2010/SDRPlay/40m dipole/Various other aerials.
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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2012, 2141 UTC »
I also enjoy the middle eastern stations. last night on 5865 was some singing. Also for mellowing out, I like to listen to indian classical (Ali Akbar Khan, Nikhil Bannerjee...)

Offline mondomusique

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2012, 1931 UTC »
Yes, RHC English can be entertaining... with Ed Newman as Jack Tripper, Eva Barajas & Lena Valverde as Janet & Chrissy and Arnie Coro as Mr. Furley.  It's like Three's Company never left the air!
Radio Habana Cuba for the music, and, of course

Dr. Benway for the message.
Afedri sdr, Palstar radio, Wellbrook antenna
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
eQSLs: djprincehifi@yahoo.ca

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2012, 1954 UTC »
Yeah,RHC's music is good,but do they really need to broadcast on 201 frequencies on 49 meters alone?

Radio Educacion was always interesting,but I don't know if they're still on the air.

I agree with the Fearless One about HJCB. Their non-religious programming used to be top notch. I still miss their English service.

What is the powerhouse that broadcasts out of Gabon? Their music is excellent and at one time they used to do over the air matchmaking in West and Central Africa,which could get pretty funny.

Newfoundland DXer

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2012, 0237 UTC »
What is the powerhouse that broadcasts out of Gabon? Their music is excellent and at one time they used to do over the air matchmaking in West and Central Africa,which could get pretty funny.

Africa Number One?  http://www.africa1.com/index.php

I used to enjoy the West African domestics and their highlife music,  but they are mostly gone and 60 m has been destroyed by CODAR.  As a student, I found Iranian music strangely beneficial for studying.  Was never a big fan of religious stations, but I remember hearing some nice Andean music on HCJB occasionally.

Now, if  I want to relax with some decent music on shortwave, I head to the pirate bands.  I hear stuff every week on the euros that I haven't heard in years (or decades). 

Offline Chanter

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Re: when mellowing out...
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2012, 0821 UTC »
I agree about RHC and the sheer number of frequencies they use.  Good grief!  I'd especially like them to get the heck off 6165... but that's my bias showing. 

Afrique no.1 can be great for music, as can ZBC Tanzania and Algeria.  Ditto Morocco Medi 1, but they're harder to hear in this part of the world. 
Madison, WI, U.S.A. 
Tecsun PL-660, Yaesu FT60R handheld, and Realistic DX-398 (back up and running!) 
QSL's appreciated 

There's a geeklady turning that dial!
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RNW forever.


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