Iit was some kind of cross modulation? Signal 3955 i received on 3855. On 3955 there is no signal.
My RX888 is crazy? There were moments that the receiver crashed, which I did not experience before. I have been observing exceptional propagation recently and the receiver has probably been distorted despite the -20dB attenuator being turned on.
I already know what really happened! When starting SDR Console, I checked the "Invert" option to see what it is all about. And the radio received on the opposite side to the oscillator frequency.
Ha haa how simple it is but you had to know it !!! 
I still have a lot of secrets to know about the SDR Console !!!
I am pleased to apologize to the underrated SDR-FE-PLAY working under SDRuno,
which was used to verify the RX888's work and it does not make any surprises.