KOREA NORTH[non]. 5930, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, via Yamata (Japan), 1346 UT (scheduled 13-14), on Jan 26; their first day back to this
alternate frequency; Wednesday in English; fair-good with no jamming (yet!), while // 7335 (heavy CNR2 QRM); "Today's News on North
Korea Issues"; at 1354 the segment "Message from the Japanese government," mentioning both “Nippon no Kaze” and "Furusato no Kaze."
KOREA SOUTH. only 3985 // 5995 // 6350, Echo of Hope - VOH, at 0956 UT, Jan 25. pop song (Donna Summer - "Hot Stuff"); at *1000 start
of additional frequencies 4880 // 6245 // 9095; these six frequencies should be good through Jan 30.
only 3910 // 3480 // 6520, Voice of the People, at 0902 UT, on Jan 25; at 1002, heard additional 3930 // 4450 // 6600. These six frequencies with
no change from last week.
6045, Voice of Freedom, *0753 UT, Jan 25. Heard along with N. Korea super jamming.
6115, National Unity Radio, 1258* UT, on Jan 26. Recently have not been hearing their usual language lessons?
Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1; external antenna of 30m long wire