0047 UTC Techno dance tune with OM talking over the intro (Signal is fading in and out with nice audio at peaks)
(Getting some long deep fades into the noise, but the signal always recovers)
0057 UTC Nice fade-up with another European sounding dance tune
0100 UTC OM DJ said something over the music
0106 UTC Deep fade into the noise....I can tell something is still there
0113 UTC Signal is recovering with some more electronica bpm music
(My apologies for not knowing this genre!)
0114 UTC OM DJ talking now, into a more pop vocal oriented dance tune
0117 UTC Another deep fade that has not recovered as of 0125 UTC
0129 UTC Signal faded back in! Dance tune with OM and backing vocals
0157 UTC Just tuned back in and still going! Unid dance tune
Thank you for the foot tapping tunes whoever! I recorded the first 30 minutes for my archives if you're interested just drop me an email!
Thanks for the email and the eQSL! I will reply back in the morning over 1st eye opening coffee!