Excellent reception
FDR Speech from October 12, 1940 in Dayton, Ohio
2345 "....Italian last names are statesmen..."
2346 "...to the Americas they came...."
2348 "....become citizens of America, not dual citizens...."
2353 "....we can withstand any attack from the east or the west...."
2355 "...drawing us into war, this country wants no war...."
0001 "American radio stations will play their part in the new unity which has been built so solidly between the American nations during the past eight years. They must never be used, as stations in some other lands are used, to send out on the self-same day one false story to one country, and a different false story to another."
0003 Brief drop
0005 "Viva la democracia!"—"Long live democracy!"
0006 OM "WFDR, Goodnight" Off