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Author Topic: For Sale JRC NRD-515 with matching speaker Sold Thank You!  (Read 1523 times)

Offline olddxer

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Try to down size so I am selling my much loved NRD-515 with matching speaker.
The radio is fully functional with some scrapes nicks and dings reflective its age.

Filters in the radio:
6 kHz (am)
3 kHz (SSB)
Collins 526-9694-010 9 kHz (wide AM)
Collins 526-9690-010 Unknow bandwidth probably a .5 kHz for CW reception
The Kiwi audio mode has been installed

Asking $800 if you are interested I might come down a bid.

Photos are available to any serious would be buyer.

Many Thanks,


« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 1338 UTC by olddxer »
Anan 8000DLE, Drake R8B, NRD-515, Perseus SDR, a bunch of Hammarlunds, Inverted V multiband dipole



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