Very strange UNID 13570 USB
Tuned into this at 14:56 ut S6 - S7
Repeating loop "What the hell are you reading (Bush?) for?
The audio is going off (~8 seconds)and on (~3-4 seconds) with the same loop running continuously.
15:00 utc Now running on top of an AM sig.
(USB sig. was all alone or background AM sig was very low when I first noticed the SSB sig and tuned into this.)
15:20 utc currently under a CODAR signal but still audible.
15:58 utc AM sig both under and adjacent are off now - I tweaked the tuning and clearly hear Homer and "books" now.
Come to think of it what an appropriate phrase for intel op to use

Enough audio - but between the music, Codar , and this message what an interesting loop this might be for a DJ mix...
Went of this frequency at 16:39 utc - was simultaneous on 12088.5 khz for a few? minutes.