Howdy! I was listening not too long ago to a classical program from CBC radio, near Victoria, B.C. They were gonna play
something by Igor Stravinsky (i don't remember what)...anyway the
presenter made the following comment as I can remember: "Igor Stravinsky supposedly said "Vivaldi did not write 400 concertos; he wrote 400 concertos
One time". May I just say "Shame On Him!!"

Smug ass Ruskie! I particularly love his oboe concertos annnddd If The One & Only Johann Sebastian Bach thought enough of Vivaldi's works to transcribe a bunch for, of course, The King Of Instruments, well, need I say more!?
(P.S. Stravinsky's stuff is ok too.) Oh, sleep tight!
additional: Oh Oh...I just reread your original post & I see I read it wrong...someone was
using Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" as a jammer? So...was the original pirate airing something by Stravinsky maybe?