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Author Topic: Canadian Halifax Mil warns US Navy off freq, 5717 kHz, Jan 18, 0118 UTC  (Read 3019 times)

Offline Token

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US Navy units have been setting up Gator (Link 11) on 5717 kHz.  They have been on the freq for a while.  This also happens to be a SAR freq for Canadian Halifax Mil.  Several times Trenton Mil has tried to contact the US Navy units and have them move off frequency.  So far either the US Navy units have not heard Halifax or they are ignoring them.

This video is one of the times Halifax tried to get the stations to QSY.  The video is about 3 minutes long and the warning from Trenton is at about 01:30 into the video.



(edit) changed Trenton to Halifax.  I have recordings of both Halifax and Trenton trying to move the comms, but I described Trenton and uploaded Halifax...DOH!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 1438 UTC by Token »
Mojave Desert, California USA

Offline skeezix

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Nice catch.
Minneapolis, MN


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Oh, they heard us >:(



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