2122 UTC Tuned in to a nice S8 signal with light fades and sounding good! (Unid pop song OM singer)
2125 UTC Unid pop tune YL singer
2128 UTC YL DJ said something, into "Gravity"-John Mayer
2131 UTC OM with full WEHM ID and website address, into unid song with a New Orleans beat
2135 UTC YL with ID, into Unid song OM singer with lyrics "The Light In Your Eyes" and I'll be your ?? baby tonight"
2139 UTC OM with ID, into "Start Me Up"-Rolling Stones (Getting some moderate fades now)
2142 UTC OM with ID "92-9 and 96-9 EHM", into unid alt pop song OM singer
2145 UTC YL with rundown of songs played...mention of "ehm.com", into PD50 SSTV
2148 UTC OM with advert for Ocean Air Services, YL with advert for "Ocean Spray? Hot Tubs and Suana", Align Probiotics...Powerwash "Wet & Forget"....
2153 UTC OM with ID, into "Eight Miles High"-Byrds
2156 UTC Unid song YL singer
2159 UTC News OM announcer
2200 UTC OM with ID, then YL with weather and sports
2201 UTC "Sweet Home Chicago"-Robert Johnson
2204 UTC Unid soul tune OM singer
Dinner time....radio on loud and recorder running!
2213 UTC OFF
Thanks for the entertainment this cold drizzly weather WRLY!