The OS X port found here seems like it will work, but since I only have an RTL dongle I haven't been able to get it to recognize the dongle. From the "CAT EXTIO Config ENG" file:
Choose your radio
1. Put the folder "HDSDR OSX" on your desktop
2. Go to
3. Find the manufacturer of your radio and click on models
4. Find the model of your radio and take note of the "Rig#"
5. Right click on "HDSDR OSX" and chose "Show package contents"
6. Double click on "drive_c", "Program Files", "HDSDR"
7. Open with TextEdit "ExtIO_HamLib.cfg"
8. Find "# Rig Number" text
9. On the next row delete "1" and insert your "Rig#"
10. Save
11. Run the application "Terminal" located in "Applications", "Utility"
12. Type: ls /dev/tty.* and press enter
13. Identify the USB to RS232 conversione interface e.g. "/dev/tty.usbserial"
Setup serial port - Method A
1. Copy and paste in terminal: cd ~/"desktop/hdsdr osx/hdsdr" then press enter
2. Type: ln -s YOUR-USB-RS232-DEVICE com1 e.g. "ln /dev/tty.usbserial com1"
I can't find a rig number for an rtlsdr.
The HDSDR - Hardware page lists a .dll file for RTLSDR (DVB-T/DAB with RTL2832) which I downloaded and replaced the the ExtIO_HamLib.cfg file with that one. Still no luck.
When showing the package contents of HDSR OSX I noticed that the ExtIO_HamLib.cfg located in 'drive_C/Program Files/HDSDR/' is Highlighted in red. I assume this indicated some error in the file but I'm not sure what it is.
Also, running "ls /dev/tty.*" in terminal only brings up "/dev/tty.Bluetooth-Modem and /dev/tty.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync.