Assorted 11m DX at ~0315z, so night time here. The usual CB AM DX frequencies plus 27355u, 27385l, 27455u, 27555u, 27615l, 27690l, etc.
A little 10m activity, too. Digital, a couple or more beacons, plus SSB near the noise floor on 28525u. Occasional other faint 10m traces in the waterfall noted.
Using an Airspy HF+ Discovery with an active miniwhip antenna at the moment.
Australian DX on 27385l at ~0410z.

Been quite awhile (years?) since I have heard Australia on 11m using my own local receivers and antennas.
Music and QRM on 27215a at 0530z. Might be local, or well, probably at least regional. Signals are barely above the noise floor.