I suspect you are using an 80m OCFD horizontal, versus I have been using a vertical active receiving antenna so far this morning, so I *might* have a slightly better look at lower-angle DX signals. I am also looking at a waterfall currently running down to -135dB. Admittedly, lots of variables so YMMV.
Either way, the 11m band is waking up here at 1219z as well. :) Multiple CB frequencies, plus some activity above.
Yeah, I was awake before dawn today. 20m was producing some interesting DX well before even greyline.
Skimmed by an ongoing QSO on 27995u at 1235z. Thought I heard mention of Virginia or maybe West Virginia.
Now noting some 10m traces in the waterfall, too.
Price of corn and other farming topics on 27505l at 1242z.
Apparently a local with wide harmonics operating on 27465l. It is almost a horizontal line in the waterfall when keying. Yay?