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Author Topic: 10m/11m Bands Activity 29 MAY 2022  (Read 1208 times)

Offline RobRich

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10m/11m Bands Activity 29 MAY 2022
« on: May 29, 2022, 1045 UTC »
Greyline has arrived at the QTH with traces of activity already on 27025a and 27285a at ~1040z.

Airspy HF+D and an active miniwhip at the moment, but I might actually turn on my 11m rig for awhile later today.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 1238 UTC by RobRich »
Tampa, FL USA | US Map Grid EL88
My Public Receivers: KiwiSDR 2 | Web-888 SDR
Airspy HF+ Discovery | 2x Msi2500 Msi001 | 2x RTL-SDR V3 + NE602 | 2x RTL-SDR V4
148' + 60' Loops-on-Ground | 30' Inverted Delta Loop | 31' Vertical | 18' End-Fed Vertical


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Re: 11m Band Activity 29 MAY 2022
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2022, 1200 UTC »
I'm sure you were listing earlier than me since you mentioned greyline, but I'm not hearing much here. I do hear some stations here and there, but they are weak at best on 27.385. Nothing heard on 27.555. I didn't scan much between the two frequencies. Hopefully, the band will get better as the day goes by. I'll post any contacts or RX signals. (12:03) 8:03 am local.

As I'm about to make this post, more signals started rolling in. That's the mystery of radio I suppose. Just heard a Wisconsin station (12:05) 27.385

571 Chicago working a station in Georgia. About an S2 here, but the audio punched through just fine. (12:11)

Just worked 171 in Wisconsin with an S5 both ways. Had another station calling back to me, but it wasn't strong enough. The band really came alive (12:18) 27.385

« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 1230 UTC by Elf36 »

Offline RobRich

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Re: 11m Band Activity 29 MAY 2022
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2022, 1225 UTC »
I suspect you are using an 80m OCFD horizontal, versus I have been using a vertical active receiving antenna so far this morning, so I *might* have a slightly better look at lower-angle DX signals. I am also looking at a waterfall currently running down to -135dB. Admittedly, lots of variables so YMMV.

Either way, the 11m band is waking up here at 1219z as well. :) Multiple CB frequencies, plus some activity above.

Yeah, I was awake before dawn today. 20m was producing some interesting DX well before even greyline.


Skimmed by an ongoing QSO on 27995u at 1235z. Thought I heard mention of Virginia or maybe West Virginia.

Now noting some 10m traces in the waterfall, too.

Price of corn and other farming topics on 27505l at 1242z.

Apparently a local with wide harmonics operating on 27465l. It is almost a horizontal line in the waterfall when keying. Yay?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 1250 UTC by RobRich »
Tampa, FL USA | US Map Grid EL88
My Public Receivers: KiwiSDR 2 | Web-888 SDR
Airspy HF+ Discovery | 2x Msi2500 Msi001 | 2x RTL-SDR V3 + NE602 | 2x RTL-SDR V4
148' + 60' Loops-on-Ground | 30' Inverted Delta Loop | 31' Vertical | 18' End-Fed Vertical


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Re: 10m/11m Bands Activity 29 MAY 2022
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2022, 1247 UTC »
Yes. I'm using a 135' OCF dipole. Just worked 168 Toronto on 27.395. Starting to hear more stations from NY, NJ etc. I got a report of low audio, but I don't want to mess with compression etc, because I have to turn it back down for PSK31. I need to learn how to change the audio settings back and forth quicker. It seems to be working ok though.

I would like to get a vertical also one of these days. Maybe a Hustler 6BTV. I cannot tune 15 or 30 meters with the set-up I have. I really miss 30M most. A vertical would be great. I always tend to work DX more on that band and the take-off angle would be better for that.

12:57 on 27.395 They are having a check-in net with a net control operator coordinating everything. Sounds like a standard HF daily net. Never heard that before!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 1258 UTC by Elf36 »

Offline RobRich

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Re: 10m/11m Bands Activity 29 MAY 2022
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2022, 1307 UTC »
Sure enough. Multiple ops on 27395l including both a net (on CB?!) and a separate ongoing QSO or two. There was some activity on 27340l a few minutes ago as well.

A trapped vertical can work great for low-angle DX assuming enough ground radials or tuned elevated radials. Just note most of them with 80m band support tend to be extremely narrow banded down there.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 1321 UTC by RobRich »
Tampa, FL USA | US Map Grid EL88
My Public Receivers: KiwiSDR 2 | Web-888 SDR
Airspy HF+ Discovery | 2x Msi2500 Msi001 | 2x RTL-SDR V3 + NE602 | 2x RTL-SDR V4
148' + 60' Loops-on-Ground | 30' Inverted Delta Loop | 31' Vertical | 18' End-Fed Vertical


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Re: 10m/11m Bands Activity 29 MAY 2022
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2022, 1408 UTC »
Yes. With a trapped vertical, I wouldn't expect much performance below 40 meters. The net is still going strong on 27.395. Should we start listening for digital traffic on 27 Mhz? There is also a woman in Texas (1706)  on 27.395 with a huge signal. I walked back into the house after doing some yard work and I could hear her across the house. I thought I had left a TV on blast


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Re: 10m/11m Bands Activity 29 MAY 2022
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2022, 2244 UTC »
California, Oregon, and the Caribbean were rolling in strong for several hours. I had the rig turned on and was just listening. I finally had time for radio and then conditions fell out. I did work a station in Texas on 27.395 at 22:28. - 27.385 has several stations from various parts of the country. Most signals are fairly low on the S level. Just worked another station in Houston (12:43). The band is very up & down.

About to shut off the radio. Stilling hearing lot's of west coast stations. Audio only. No reading on the S meter. (2:00) 10:00 pm local. 27.385
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 0200 UTC by Elf36 »


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Re: 10m/11m Bands Activity 29 MAY 2022
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2022, 1226 UTC »
12:27 (8:27 local) 10/11 meters are dead. Not even a hint of activity here. I even thru out a call here and there, because you never know if the band is open and everyone is just listening. That happens frequently on 6M.

(14:47) Local 10:45 am. Hearing lots or stations on 27.385 including Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan. I just worked a station in Illinois and another in Missouri (14:53)

Turned on the rig again and was able to work two California stations on 27.385. Signals are a bit low, but the audio is just fine. 18:28
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 1831 UTC by Elf36 »


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Re: 10m/11m Bands Activity 29 MAY 2022
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2022, 2307 UTC »
It has been madness on CB SSB this afternoon. Worked stations in Canada, Kansas, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, PA etc since around 5:00 pm local (21:00) between 27.365 - 27.405
« Last Edit: May 31, 2022, 2332 UTC by Elf36 »


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