« on: June 04, 2022, 2021 UTC »
Tis that time of year!!!
https://www.arrl.org/june-vhf And, from WV, a couple of WV ops have already worked Europeans and JA's, (Japan.), on 6M. NICE!!! Now if we can just get the pesky T-storms out of the way for that time. BTW, ARRL Field Day, just a couple of weeks from that.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 1847 UTC by ThaDood »

“I am often asked how radio works. Well, you see, wire telegraphy
is like a very long cat. You yank his tail in New York and he
meows in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? Now, radio is
exactly the same, except that there is no cat.”
-Attributed to Albert Einstein, but I ripped it from the latest Splatter .PDF March 2025 issue.