I have the Xiegu X6100. In general, it is nice.
But, it does have some spurious products. There are not noticeable from 20 meters and below. Atmospheric noise covers them up when connected to a decent antenna. At 6 meters, the spurs are a problem. I do not have a good 6 meter antenna.
It has a lot of nice features. The software is still being developed. I have connected a blue tooth speaker and keyboard. Unfortunately, there is no data connection to blue tooth process, so, the keyboard and speaker are useless. It does use Linux and one can connect to the Linux console to see what is going on using the command line interface (CLI). If you know Linux CLI then this is a good feature.
I have firmware version 1.1.5 at this time. If you are thinking of getting one, then I would wait for the next software update. I suspect several problems will disappear. Xiegu via Radio Oddity is working on improvements. The X6100 has the potential for being a very good transceiver. If you are interested in POTA and SOTA operations then X6100 might be what you need.