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Author Topic: Any pirate activity heard on the 11M Int BC Band?  (Read 3293 times)

Offline Andrew Yoder

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Re: Any pirate activity heard on the 11M Int BC Band?
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2022, 0337 UTC »
I agree totally with Charlie. If they have the interest, they can go after you. I think the highways would be more dangerous because most have some cameras posted now. I've also read about boxes along highways that can read IDs of Bluetooth devices. Again, it all comes down to their interest & funding.

BTW, I looked it up & the raid was on October 7, 1991, near Limon, CO. Station was using 1 kW. Really wish I'd heard it, but in the days before the Internet, if you forgot for a day to tune around one of the lesser-used bands, you couldn't hop up on HF Underground to see what you'd been missing.
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Offline Charlie_Dont_Surf

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Re: Any pirate activity heard on the 11M Int BC Band?
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2022, 0427 UTC »
BTW, I looked it up & the raid was on October 7, 1991, near Limon, CO. Station was using 1 kW.

Yes, 1 kW. OK on the date. I guess that part of my memory of it became a bit skewed.

Really wish I'd heard it, but in the days before the Internet, if you forgot for a day to tune around one of the lesser-used bands, you couldn't hop up on HF Underground to see what you'd been missing.

You'd wait for the next issue of whatever publication or newsletter you were a subscriber of to arrive in the mail.
I don't STRETCH the truth.

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