Not sure whether to log this as a pirate, ute or ... other!4/19/09, 6925 USB, between approx. 0315-0400 UTC, heard evidently fake Emergency Action Message transmissions, mimicking genuine EAM style fairly closely with notable exception of word "porkchop" being substituted for "papa" in phonetics.
Music was occasionally audible too, not sure if one op doing both or overlapping stations.
It's fairly authentic sounding, except for pronouncing Quebec as "kwee-beck"... and the porkchop stuff. Also saying "zanzibar" instead of "zulu". No obvious pattern spelling words that I could tell, tho' my copy was very choppy due to t-storm static crashes and intermittent local RFI. A few excerpts:
"Copy: Oscar-India-Uniform-Porkchop..."
"Copy: Uniform-Sierra-(Sulphur or Alpha?)-Delta-Foxtrot-Kweebeck..."
Rough edited to 15 minute, 3MB mp3: signal but tough copy through heavy static crashes. (N. Central TX)