They had some issues earlier this year with storm damage in southeastern Ontario and they were off the air for a few days but that was months ago.
I use them as beacon as well, checking them almost daily, and lately (in the past month) I have noticed more erratic behavior; sometime they would be present and sometimes not. I remember a break of about 2-3 days approximately 2-3 weeks ago.
More recently I also noticed that there hasn't been the familiar male announcer voice however
the transmitter is still on. I can tell because of the usual scratchy background noise from their audio feed is present. This is the same background noise that you would hear in the normal audio break between ~1 minute and around ~12 minutes of the hour, after which they resume the normal VOLMET voice program.
Here is the their usual audio feed noise, recorded 16 July: all that's happened is that, for whatever reason, they don't have the usual audio programming. Everything else is still active.