In the mobile I tuned across YHWH on 7345 kHz. The last few nights he has been on 7340 kHz, but tonight is 5 kHz up.
7345 kHz, AM mode, September 26, 2014, 0235 UTC.
(edit) Off at 0335 UTC. He signed off on 7345 kHz and without dropping the carrier tuned down to 7340 kHz, the program restarted, and ran aobut a minute before leaving the air.
His message is getting more and more anti-US as time goes on, kind of an interesting shift recently. Possibly it is not more anti-US, but definitely more vehement and radical in his statements. A year ago it was all love and peace, now there is quite a bit of "warmongers will not be included you filthy pigs". Kind of incongruent with his "good by, and I love you" sign off.