If the 7600 has an external antenna jack like the 2010, try a simple loop instead of just more wire. Best simple home brewed antenna I've found and works as well with my Sony portable as with my Palstar R30C.
It's just magnet wire stretched along a wooden fence into a vertically oriented square, 6-8 feet along each side - size isn't critical. I used an ordinary TV balun, although a proper 4:1 HF balun might work better.
Just strip the enamel from each end of the magnet wire and attach to the TV balun screw terminals.
I used ordinary TV cable with different adapters to fit the Sony portable and Palstar.
Simple, cheap, works great. Every random wire and low dipole I tried, either clipped to the whip or via the external antenna jack, picked up more local RFI and more QRN, especially summer static crashes. But the simple loop really improved the signal to noise.